Three-parent in vitro fertilization: gene replacement for the prevention of inherited mitochondrial diseases – P. Amato, M. Tachibana, M. Sparman, S. Mitalipov
In the following article the authors discuss the issue of inherited mitochondrial diseases, the reproductive options for preventing transmission of mitochondrial diseases, the ensuing ethical issues as well as future research in the field.
The ethics of creating children with three genetic parents – F. Baylis
This article on mitochondrial replacement technology briefly explains and defends the legitimacy of such terms as ‘three-parent embryos’, ‘three-parent babies’ and ‘three-person IVF’. It then reviews select ethical objections to mitochondrial replacement technology.
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Read about the topic in media releases:
BBC: MPs say yes to three-person babies
WIRED: Is It Ethical to Create Babies From Three DNA Sources? Absolutely
Telegraph: Three parent babies: unethical, scary and wrong
Nature: A slippery slope to human germline modification
Nuffield Bioethics: Council gives evidence on future regulation of mitochondrial donation